Women in Bioscience

Apurva Bhardwaj


I am a bioscience professional with over 4 years of experience in the industry around  business research, consulting, marketing and business development. Currently I am working with Intrinsic Analytics as the Business and Market Analyst. I graduated with a Master’s degree in Biotechnology in India and worked on a lung cancer research project. I am also a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship (2017), President’s Scholarship for World Leaders (2017) and University of Winnipeg Graduate Students Scholarship (2018) which gave me an opportunity to pursue my second Masters in Bioscience, Technology and Public Policy at the University of Winnipeg.  
I am passionate about bringing science to the masses – with a strong academic background in sciences, I consider it my responsibility to translate this knowledge and learnings and make it palatable for someone who does not belong to the science industry. I wish to support every girl across the globe to have a goal and work towards it regardless of what it takes to get to it. I have been an active volunteer for Let’s Talk Science (LTS) and have also received the Volunteer of the Year 2017 Award.  

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Q & A


Q: What is it like to be a woman in bioscience?

A: Beautiful and blessed - As much as I feel grateful and blessed for what I have achieved so far in my life, I know I have a lot more to do still..! As a kid, I was raised with the firm belief -"Saraswati" is referred to as the diety of knowledge and intelligence, so never ever think there is anything that you cannot achieve that a man can. And since then I know - I have to reach for the stars.


Q: Who are your women role models and not necessarily in science?

A: Kiran Mazumdar Shaw- CEO -Biocon; Indira Gandhi - Prime Minister (India), Indra Nooyi - CEO -Pepsi Co are some of the few women I have always looked up to as a kid / student.

I would like to add that the day I got hired at Bioscience Association Manitoba, I was greatly inspired to see an all WOMEN organization, where a team of women from different academic backgrounds worked together towards one goal and I am glad it happened to be my first job in Canada.


Q: Do you think there are particular structural roadblocks that impede the progress of women in science?

A: I do believe we are in better times today -talking about women in science. We can certainly introduce more platforms to support them especially in developing countries, provide better opportunities to young girls pursuing sciences, reward women excelling in sciences and encourage women to take leadership roles to increase the global percentage of women in leadership roles.


Q: Would you say that through your career, things have become better for women working in the bioscience industry?

A: Yes, I feel there are way more opportunities, and platforms available nowadays that help women to connect and network outside of gaining knowledge and skills. I came to Canada as a QE Scholar which in itself helped me build connections and network. Post my graduation, those connections served as a support system even when I started my professional journey.


Q: How did you reach your level of success, given the sector’s gender gap, especially among leadership?

A: I think I am still in the process - and I wish to get there soon. Given that my company is owned by three men - and having spent 1 year and a couple of months here, I feel immense happiness and grateful for I am often referred to be the fourth one who is potential to run the show. So, hopefully will make it to the leadership soon.


Q: If you had the option to give advice to a younger version of yourself, what would that be?

A: I wish I had started earlier..!


“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.”

- John C. Maxwell 


LinkedIn: @Apurva Bhardwaj


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